Saturday, July 07, 2007

Blessings #5

Business-wise, this has been my most successful week in more than a decade. I've been working on a couple of big deals over the last six weeks or so and both came to fruition this week. I sold more audio gear in the last few days than I do in most yearly quarters. It has been a hectic, busy time lately, but extraordinarily fruitful. And I have another 3 weeks left in the month!

Thank you, Lord!


IzzyBeth said...

Yay Barry!!! :-) How are you and Nancy doing??

Miss ya!
Beth Hofmann

Barry Pike said...

We are blessed, Beth, and it is great to hear from you!!!

Consider yourself "linked" by the way. Although, on my little blog that means that maybe half-a-dozen other folks might find their way over to "Not Of This World."

I hope you, Robert, and that quiver full of kids are all doing well.

Sharon said...
