Wednesday, September 05, 2007

How Not To Tell People About Jesus

Just once. Just one time, I'd like to hear about how somebody came to be a follower of Christ through this kind of methodology. Not going to happen. I'm in agreement with this author's opening statement.


IzzyBeth said...

Our pastor was doing a series on being a Catalyst several months ago and he demonstrated how NOT to be one, by using a megaphone - and then telling us a story about preachers who use those. It was funny - and quite LOUD . . .

With some people - all I can do is just shake my head . . .

Jennwith2ns said...

I think if I stumbled across this in person I'd be mortified and irritated and somewhat offended. Also, I think the writer of the article has a good suggestion at the end, though.

Just to play, er, somebody's advocate, though, I have to say that probably there are equally obnoxious, offensive, and inflammatory things being broadcast in that neighbourhood. They're probably just not using a microphone.

Heather said...

Some idiots were doing this at a concert I attended in San Jose. It nearly made me lose my religion and do some very un-Christlike things to shut them up.