Tuesday, December 09, 2008

"Coldplay rips off Joe Satriani?" The fur is gonna fly....

The kids over at ChordStrike have been on a roll lately and you should check them out for their ideas and recommendations for music that is often off the beaten path.

Here, though, is their take on the recent lawsuit brought by guitar-samurai Joe Satriani against the pop superstars Coldplay in which it seems their huge hit, Viva La Vida may have borrowed too generously from one of Joe's instrumental tunes off of a 2004 album.

You definitely want to check out the YouTube video that they have showing the two songs overlaid. It's pretty incredible. I am usually pretty skeptical about these kinds of claims, because pop/rock music is so pervasively inbred anyway these days. But this time...this time it really sounds eerily close and I'm thinking ol' Satch may have an axe to grind with the youngsters.

One thing I know for sure, and this video proves...Coldplay really could be the best band in the world if they got Joe Satriani to play guitar.

Followup: Coldplay says, "Oh, no we din't!"


margova said...

Shamefully enough.. Satriani and ""COLDPLAY"" mentioned in the same breath. My band may be doing a cover of 'Up in Flames'..just hope we may do it justice :-)

NP said...

Wow - fascinating. Joe's solo adds a nice layer right on top of the Coldplay piece. Unintentional or not, sounds like Coldplay could have a problem. The lead line of that song is very strong and easy to remember, perhaps one of the CP dudes heard it once, programmed it into his inner being and out it came during songwriting time. It has happened to me in a piano class in college - i'm just sayin'. . .

margova said...

Interesting :-)