Most, but not all of the internet problems have gotten worked out. There were a number of intersecting issues that are far too tedious to go into that made it difficult and impractical for me to "live-blog" our Rome trip. Bandwidth problems persist, too. However, we have some cool stories and about a billion great pictures that I will share when I am able. I also have a wonderful iPod Touch experience, to share, among other things-that little thing earned it's passage, for sure.
Anyway, it'll be like watching Uncle Billy's and Aunt Flo's home movies and slides of their vacation trip out to Hoover Damn (did I spell that wrong?) last summer, only much, much more interesting to all of you since it it is me and Nancy in Italy. And it might go on for weeks, so you've got that to look forward to. Yep. So don't plan anything for the next month or so.
So, uhm...ciaio!